*Contact Giri Binar At gbm_gt@yahoo.com For The Complete Paper*


Landasan gigi tiruan akrilik yang patah umumnya direparasi menggunakan bahan akrilik cold cured. Hasil reparasi tersebut setiap saat berada dalam lingkungan basah sewaktu digunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh lamanya perendaman dalam air suling terhadap kekuatan transversal pelat akrilik heat cured yang telah direparasi dengan akrilik cold cured.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 20 sampel yang dibuat dari akrilik heat cured (65 x 10 x 25 mm) yang telah dipotong menjadi dua bagian yang sama panjang. Ujung patahan dibuat bentuk inverse knife edge dan direparasi menggunakan akrilik cold cured. Sampel dibagi menjadi empat kelompok perlakuan, masing-masing yaitu sampel direndam dalam air suling (37° C ± 1° C) selama 50 ± 2 jam, 7 hari, 17 hari dan 30 hari. Setiap sampel kemudian diukur kekuatan tekannya menggunakan alat uji transverse strength merek Shimadzu dengan kecepatan mesin 10 mm/menit.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata kekuatan transversal pada kelompok perendaman 2 hari, 7 hari, 17 hari dan 30 hari memperlihatkan adanya penurunan. Data yang didapat lalu diuji statistik menggunakan analisa uji Anova (a = 0,05), hasil statistik menunjukkan bahwa lamanya perendaman tidak mempengaruhi secara signifikan kekuatan transversal pelat akrilik heat cured yang telah direparasi dengan akrilik cold cured.

Kata kunci: akrilik, reparasi, perendaman, kekuatan transversal.

Title : Illustration of Maxillary Interincisor Dental Arch on 9-14 Years Old Beta Major Thalassemia Patients According On Gender (at Thalassemia Clinic of Pediatric Department of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung in 2007) - Juandi - F1O03088

(Juandi | F1O03088 | Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi | Universitas Padjadjaran)

*Contact Juandi At super_baggio10@yahoo.com For The Complete Paper*



Beta major thalassemia is an hereditary disease disorder that results in a failure to produce beta globin chains. Orofacial manifestations of beta thalassemia are prominent cheek bones, temporal bone, a protrusion of maxilla and the base of the nose appears to be retrusion. The aim of this study was to know the illustration of interincisor maxillary dental arch on beta major thalassemia patients.
This study was a descriptive using the survey technique. The sample consisted of 56 children collected by consecutive sampling. It was performed by molding the patient’s maxilla and measuring the width of interincisor dental arch.
The result of this study showed that the average width of interincisor maxillary dental arch on beta major thalassemia patients’ age 9-10 is 2.90 cm, 10-11 is 2.84 cm, 11-12 is 2.87 cm, 12-13 is 2.85 cm, 13-14 is 2.78 cm and the average width of interincisor dental arch on the boy is 2.90 cm while a girl is 2.74 cm.
The conclusion of the study showed that the width of interincisor dental arch on the thalassemia children is smaller than normal value and on the boys the width of interincisor dental arch is bigger than those on the girls.

Key words: beta major thalassemia, protrusion of maxilla, width of interincisor dental arch.
Title : The Difference Caries Amount of Permanent Mandibular First Molar between Boys and Girls in Eleventh Grade Student at SMA Negeri 2 Bandung on 2006/2007 School Year – Metha Avianti - F1O03006

(Metha Avianti | F1O03006 | Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi | Universitas Padjadjaran)

*Contact Metha Avianti At metsubatsu@yahoo.com For The Complete Paper*



Caries is a pathological process that lies in hard mineralized tissue of teeth and caused the decays of it due to micro-organism activities. The tooth caries disease in a teeth and mouth that frequently happen to human being.
This research is aimed at proving the differences of gender on the occurrence of caries in boys and girls. The research was conducted to 240 eleventh grade student at SMAN 2 Bandung with the age range between 15-17 years old. This is a descriptive analytic research and using survey technique in order to collect data. The statistical test is chi-square test.
The research yields the number of tooth caries of the permanent mandibular first molar. The results are 52,50 % in boys and 71,67 % in girls according to number of children, whereas on the basis of the number of teeth examined are 34,63 % in boys and 47,60 % in girls.
The conclusion of this research, there is a difference of tooth caries on permanent mandibular first molar between boys and girls with a higher caries number in girls than boys.

Keywords: caries, permanent mandibular first molar, gender.
Title : Illustration of Height and Width of The Upper Face from Beta Major Thalassemia Patients Age 9-14 Years Old According to Gender (at Thalassemia Clinic, Pediatric Department, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung in 2007) - Anindya Grita Hapsari - F1O03086

(Anindya Grita | F1O03086 | Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi | Universitas Padjadjaran)

*Contact Anindya Grita At d_544_ri@yahoo.co.id For The Complete Paper*



One of the symptom of beta major thalassemia is the occurance of bone deformity, especially in the skull and facial bones that looks thalassemia facies. The aim of this research was to obtain the illustration of height and width of the upper face from beta major thalassemia patients age 9-14 years old according to gender at Thalassemia Clinic, Pediatric Department, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung.

This was a descriptive research using the survey technique. The sample consisted of 76 children collected by consecutive sampling.

Research result showed that the average of the upper face height of beta major thalassemia patients age 9-10 was (7,19), 10-11 (7,66), 11-12 (7,53), 12-13 (7,04), 13-14 (7,34) in boys and age 9-10 was (7,28), 10-11 (6,79), 11-12 (7,14), 12-13 (7,28), 13-14 (7,35) in girls. The average of the upper face width of beta major thalassemia patients age 9-10 was (14,25), 10-11 (14,54), 11-12 (14,05), 12-13 (14,21), 13-14 (14,25) in boys, and age of 9-10 was (13,97), 10-11 (13,83), 11-12 (13,67), 12-13 (13,60), 13-14 (13,58) in girls.

The conclusion of the research showed that the illustration of height and width of the upper face from the beta major thalassemia patient was lower than normal value. This was affected by physical growth failure which affect growth of craniofacial especially vertical dan transversal dimensions.

Keywords: Thalassemia facies, height and width, upper face.